Sunday, March 29, 2009

HA Reflection Paper on Week of the Ring

[ March 13, 2009 ]

That week was a pretty weighty week if I can remember it right. I didn’t get to finish up the Week of the Ring for the Januaries because I left on Creation Fest then. The idea of the Ring Banquet was also unknown to me. So that made me anxious and really curious as to what I was getting myself into. Throughout the whole week I was reminded of the alumni that I knew. Some are faithfully diving into the depths of God while I was shocked to know some who are running as far away from God as possible. The reality of this “line” of graduates who went through this same program was hard to swallow. Around this same time, Jennifer was getting dismissed and it was evident that 7 months in the internship had no effect on her life. This alarmed me. I had to ask myself, “Is the internship continuously having a lasting effect on me?” I was afraid of leaving here, whenever that would be, and falling away from God because I knew what I was prone to do. When my best friend from home, Coco, came I was reminded even more of my old self and how I could easily go back to those old ways.
Honestly, to be living a life of honor is to have a right perspective of myself, like truly knowing what I am capable of, and a right perspective of God, knowing what type of life He calls us to and living it. I want to live this way! For example, an honorable life can be lived out when you are pure. A way to live this out is to know how you are prone to lust and to be a whore but then you can grasp what God has called you to do and have hope. Therefore, the way that I can help restore someone in the line is by showing them what their flesh is prone to do which is to wander away from God but speak hope by showing them to live the way He has called them to. By using Scripture like in Psalm 119 when David asks God to “give him life according to His Word” and to “deal bountifully with him”, I wish they could see the life that He has in store for us if we submit to it. In short, the Week of the Ring put the fear of God back in me so that I remembered His hand in my life is what keeps me near Him and away from sin. My life after the HA, I pray, is so full of His grace that I would continue to run to the Secret Place of intercession and intimacy with Him.

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