so, i wrestle over them in my thoughts ...
i want to wrestle them.
so that one day, my loved ones might not have to.
i have realized that i have a tendency to wander ...
going one way or the other... left or right
its a simple truth that encompasses all of us.
we easily stray from our convictions ...
our beliefs ... wisdom... Truth... and ultimately Jesus.
so i don't wrestle with the FACTual idea of us sinning
because i know that in me is NO good thing and that i
am utterly sinful to my core... okay, got it ... good.
we lean towards that.
but i want to know why my wandering happens?
why resistence seems frail every time?
i think proverbs 9 is now on my top list of favorite chapters in the Bible.
this is why ...
because (as ch 9 lays out) we travel down this metaphorical road in life
and on this road are two voices crying out to us ...
much tension
and altercaltions
are results of the differences
in these voices.
rarely do they completely expose themselves
as to what their intentions are.
never have i been boldly or/and properly introduced either.
on the same street these two allure
one more enticing than the other on any given day
both flaunt their rewards:
one is temporary and seen
while the other not so much the same case.
one is easy and most travel with its guidance
while the other is less travelled yet it is highly
desired by those wanting more to life.
and folly.
"they" cry out in the street as it is eluded to in Proverbs.
[chapter 9:13-18]
in description it is:
noisy, knows nothing of eternal value, open to all forms of evil
and the invited guests to its house are already sunk in the depths of Sheol (Hell, death)
[chpater 9:1-12]
description assures us that it is:
(on the street) a tall house on pillars, maids cry from the higher places of the city (rather than folly's cry on her porch), inside this house is a prepared table, days are multipled and years increased and such occupants keep learning.
sounds like biblical puzzles right?
sometimes i like to think so ...
because i get lost 2 words into it
but i wanted more.
so i dug into the essence of what it was saying.
but apart from the text, i saw my life in unfold here.
like a movie.
i have had seasons where i toured through folly's house
after receiving her elusive invitation from the street.
she was a loose woman to say the least.
her glam caught the lust of my eyes.
i was simple.
and she simply led me away.
for days, months, years
i was ushered in to the depths of Sheol.
i was sinking into the lies
as folly opened up each new door
i didn't realize that these doors led up to new rooms--
of which were very appeasing to my curiousity--
oh no.
i think it was more strategic than that.
she knew very well how to keep her guests.
she did her homework and could easily convince
the "one-timers" to be extended customer,
constantly consuming these new rooms in this house
and finding themselves deeper inside than they wanted
but not knowing where to begin to exit.
she would not let thoughts of leaving being entertained.
i noticed this early on.
this house was playing for keeps.
but in those times i could faintly hear
some please from a far ...
it sounded lovely---
and it was so very lovely---
soon, it was key to alluring me out of folly
and into the opposing house.
entering into her house was very different from
that which i had previously visited before.
to enter into the next room
required much devotion and action.
the cherished verb of wisdom is diligent.
because must be so to increase.
she knows what you want and
she wisely entices you with it.
guiding you into new journeys
of exploring the depths of each room.
the very first room---
i remeber experiencing this beauty years ago--
took on the persona of the oceanside front.
your first step into wisdom's door was joined
with the mushing of snad beneath your toes
and your hair flipping violently in the wind.
anticipation keeps your eyes open
as must from the sea washes you.
it is there on the shores of revelation
that you are invited to embark on
the most beautiful and the most satisfying
journey that one could ever dare to explore.
in this room as you are captivated by the intensity
set before your eyes, your ears can hear whispers of
the mysteries that are to come.
again, anticipation holds your hand tightly.
but in short,
that is what wisdom offers.
many never notice her for she is
only experienced truly once she is explored.
this can not be said of folly.
wisdom's house is worn down on the outside
she is old. she is committed.
what she offers is not tangible.
folly on the other hand is full of glam
and recent activity
to the outsider looking in,
the depths of the ocean are never seen.
this is why folly can easily deceive.
this street can get busy.
and it can get loud.
i find myself torn most of the time.
duh, flesh vs. spirit.
but i am torn because sometimes
i just want silence.
but i know that in the long run
i don't ever want wisdom to stop speaking.
if anything, may she fight for my attention
or atleast may i fight to hear her over
the clashing sounds of folly.
my friends,
ponder today what folly and
wisdom really looks like in your life.
it is quite intruging, to say the least.
come Jesus. come.
let Your wisdom wash me
by the waterfalls of Your Word.
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