[September 12, 2008]
Gauntlet’s one week of intensity has lead to many changes in my life but one has left the mark of a life lesson. To describe that lasting impression solely as a discipline engagement of one’s mind, body, soul and spirit is to under state the vastness of Mr. Hasz’s challenge that he continually laid before us. With that, I now have the potential to reshape my entire year and determine how much of my life I allow Him to transform.
Waking up before the dawn and proceeding to attend countless sessions and meetings was a stretch for us to stay focused where needed. While the battle was forever raging between the lack of sleep nagging at our bodies or even the slight pains remaining from corporate, those were not the areas we needed to engage ourselves in at the time. The principle from Mr. Hasz that has wrecked my life is one of full engagement of your body, mind, soul and spirit towards the cause that it is being demanded of you in a certain moment. With throwing yourself completely into that involvement you have then disciplined your mind and emotions into a level of concentration. Thus you have found yourself in control over your emotions and thoughts which are a rare victory.
Jim Elliot once said that “Wherever you are- be all there”. Maximizing out that principle, Mr. Hasz has set the standard for what our involvement should look like. As the paradigm of excellence has been joined with every area of our lives for this year’s activities, we will have the choice to accept the challenge or deny it. Clearly we will receive the most out of the Internship by fully embracing what the Director deems vital but we must choose to see it that way. I am one who wants to experience all that I can while I am here so I have welcomed this challenge the most during Corporate exercise. While running and feeling every pain possible I have been learning what it means to control my emotions rather than have them control me. As I focus on the things above I find my body, mind and soul fall into line with His Truth. That is the standard I have now set myself at, not only this year but for my life.
With all that I have gained knowledge of during Gauntlet Week, I still see the lasting effects of this principle. I praise God that this is taking root in my heart and showing fruit in my life. Yet to say that this life lesson is just mere discipline is making little of the reality that it is indeed a lifestyle that is challenging yet so rewarding. Oh the joys of knowing how to control your emotions and thoughts to bring glory to Christ with your life!!
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